In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful,
As we celebrate the 12th anniversary of the International Institute for Halal Research and Training (INHART) at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), I am filled with a profound sense of pride and gratitude for the remarkable journey we have embarked upon. Twelve years ago, INHART was established with a vision to be a global leader in Halal research, education, and training. Guided by Islamic principles and a commitment to excellence, we have dedicated ourselves to serving both the nation and the Ummah, contributing significantly to the Halal industry’s growth and development. Our accomplishments during the past twelve years stand as a vivid testament to our unyielding commitment to innovation, collaboration, and integrity. 


Through groundbreaking research in diverse fields, including Halal Alternative Ingredients, Authentication, Sensors, Blockchain technology, Shari’ah Compliance, Management Strategies, Marketing Techniques, and Contemporary Halal Issues, we have set new benchmarks in the industry. By forging international partnerships and aligning our efforts with global standards, INHART’s contributions have not only resonated across Malaysia but have also made a significant impact on the global stage.

With the grace and blessing of Allah SWT., we have played a pivotal role in enhancing Malaysia’s reputation as a centre of excellence in Halal research and referred halal hub. Our work has not only contributed to the economic prosperity of the Muslim community but has also fostered a greater understanding and appreciation of Halal principles for all.

As we reflect on our successes, we also recognize the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. The pursuit of excellence is an ongoing journey, and we remain steadfast in our mission to uphold our values, nurture talents, and drive innovation to meet the ever-evolving needs of the Halal industry and ummah as part of rahmatan lil al-amin.

I extend my heartfelt appreciation to our dedicated IIUM top management, institute members, researchers, students, alumni, and partners who have been integral to this extraordinary journey. Together, we shall continue to strive, inspire, and contribute to a future that aligns with our vision and values to become a renowned international halal centre of excellence that inspires humanity with a halal lifestyle. May Allah’s blessings and guidance be with us as we forge ahead, serving the nation and the Ummah with distinction and honour.