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PLANETIIUM Ihya' Ramadan 1445H

Gathering in warmth and compassion: A heartfelt Ihya’ Ramadhan with Anak Yatim & Fakir Miskin. Amidst the glow of shared blessings, we come together for Khatam al-Quran, Iftar, and Fardu & terawih congregational prayers, spreading love and unity during Ramadan.

This opportunity to able to sit together with the poor and orphaned teaches us to be grateful. It’s amidst their struggles that we see the beauty of resilience and the power of gratitude. And it is what exactly what Ramadan want to teach us. Fasting throughout Ramadan teaches us to empathize with the struggles of the less fortunate. It’s a powerful reminder of the hunger and thirst experienced by many, fostering a deeper understanding and compassion for those in need. May Ramadan make us a grateful person for all the given bountiful blessings, both apparent and hidden.

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