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EARTHLING 2.0: Clean Hands, Save Lives

On 25th June 2024, we just wrapped up an amazing program at IIUM Educare Kuantan focused on teaching children the importance of handwashing to promote health and reinforce planetary well-being. The program aimed to instill proper hygiene habits among the kids through engaging and interactive methods. Recognizing the crucial role of handwashing in preventing the spread of illnesses, the program was designed to be both educational and enjoyable.
The educational content covered the fundamental reasons why handwashing is essential. Through simple and relatable explanations, children learned about germs and how they can cause sickness. The program highlighted key moments when handwashing is particularly important, such as before eating, after using the restroom, and after playing outside. These teachings were reinforced with visual aids and demonstrations to ensure comprehension. A central part of the program was the step-by-step guide to proper handwashing techniques. These steps were demonstrated by educators, and children practiced them in a supervised setting to ensure they mastered the technique.
To make learning about handwashing enjoyable, the program incorporated fun games and catchy songs. We let the children create handprints art on a paper using watercolors with their friends while listening to handwashing song by Papa Pipi Zola. Then, we let them practice the handwashing steps that they learnt from the instructors to clean their hands after playing with the watercolor. These activities not only reinforced the lessons but also kept the children engaged and excited about hygiene.
By the end of the program, children not only understood the importance of handwashing but also felt empowered to take charge of their health. The initiative underscored that good hygiene practices contribute to a healthier community and a cleaner planet. By empowering young minds with the knowledge and practice of good hygiene, we’re fostering health awareness and promoting planetary health. Clean hands save lives, and our enthusiastic participants are now champions of this essential habit. Thank you IIUM Educare Kuantan for having us! Together, we’re building a healthier future for everyone!

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