Established in 1988, the programme aims to stimulate collaborative research in Member States and with the ICGEB Component laboratories, to promote training of young scientists and to facilitate the creation of appropriate research facilities. The programme provides support for research projects in basic science, human healthcare, industrial and agricultural biotechnology and bioenergy. A call for applications is launched yearly.
Applicants for research grant proposals (identified as “CRPs”) should hold positions at Universities or Research Institutes in any of the ICGEB Member States.
International collaboration is an essential feature of all ICGEB grants and must be fully integrated into the project. Active collaboration with ICGEB Research Groups is welcome but not mandatory. Particular attention will be given to projects addressing issues of interest for specific geographic regions and presented by groups collaborating across more than one country.
Investigating groups do not qualify for submission of applications:
- if previously awarded projects have not been evaluated and satisfactorily concluded;
- if the University or Research Institute of the Principal Investigator is based in Italy.
A special category of CRP-ICGEB Early Career Return Grants is intended to fund young researchers with an outstanding track record, who have spent a minimum of 2 years abroad and have recently returned to an ICGEB Member State to establish their own independent laboratories.
Applicants for Early Career Return Grants should be no more than 40 years of age at the time of application.
Applicants should have returned to an ICGEB Member State (except Italy) no more than 2 years prior to submitting the application.
Topics of interest to ICGEB
The programme provides support for research projects in:
- basic life sciences
- human and animal healthcare
- industrial biotechnology
- agricultural biotechnology
- bioenergy
For further information, please contact CRP-ICGEB Research Grants Unit
Tel: +39-040-3757382
Email: crp@icgeb.org cc grantapplica tion@iium.edu.my
Tel: +39-040-3757382
Email: crp@icgeb.org cc grantapplica